How Come I can Never be on Time?
Does it always seem like time just works different for you? No matter what you try it seems you can never be on time. Don't worry you are not alone. Time blindness refers to one's struggle in perceiving the passage of time or understanding how much time a task will take. Whether that is chronic lateness, difficulty with log-term planning or the inability to feel the passage of time here are some tools that might help!
Overcoming Time Blindness
A friendly reminder that these are only suggestions based upon my personal experience with ADHD. I would highly recommend speaking with a professional above anything else. I can personally attest to the incredible value that it has brought to my life on being able to navigate this world better. If you don't currently have one, there are some great ADHD coach's that I use at
That being said, another helpful tip is when applying this list do keep in mind that it is beneficial to try only one thing maybe two at one time until it becomes a routine. Trust me, I know how tempting it is to want to dive in and learn everything there is to know right away but that tends to be discouraging, and I want this to work for you too. Another thing is that this process is not going to be easy. Rearranging the way that you do things in your life is hard because you've never done this before. If you don't get this right away that's normal and you're not a failure! Just do your best and know that I am always rooting for you!
Important Disclosure: Please read this first!
I am a proud affiliate for many of these tools that have links provided. This basically means that if you do click the link and purchase one of these products listed below that I do in fact receive a commission at no extra cost for you. I would not recommend anything that I haven't tried myself and found that it worked out for me. I understand that not all of these are for everyone because we are all so unique, so please do not feel pressured to purchase anything that you feel won't help. And if you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me and I will do my best to get the answer.

Deep Sleep
Yeah, how is this going to help me with my time blindness? Research has shown the positive effects on memory and cognitive function when it comes to getting the right amount of sleep (between 7 and 9 hours). When you are able to get into the deeper cycles of your cycadean rhythm it activates a process called the glymphatic system. This essentially rinses the brain with cerebrospinal fluid similar to a rinse cycle in a dishwasher and it washes away harmful protein called Beta-amybid. This also helps to transfer short-term memories to a safer more protected long-term database in your brain.
On the flip side of that, people who tend to get fewer than 6 hours of sleep are at a higher risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, cognitive decline and possible death from any cause. It has also been known to cause weight gain and higher levels of stress. In short, getting more sleep is a real-life saver.
I understand that getting more sleep can be difficult for some. With kids, school, work and life in general this can be very challenging especially when you want to get some me time. Try planning your day differently. It takes the typical person at least 45 minutes to wind down so try dimming the lights and slowing down your mind by doing tasks that don't take a lot of effort so as to cue your mind and body that it is time to start getting ready for bed. What has really helped me is limiting screen time before bed and replacing those activities with either reading or journaling. There are also a lot of helpful tips and guided sleeping exercises on the Headspace app if you are looking for a good resource.

Most of us have a very skewed sense of time. What can feel like a second can most times be actually closer to two. That may not seem like much but when they start to add up over time that's when we get into trouble. How many times did we wish that we had five extra minutes? Time mapping involves the practice of timing how long it takes for you to do normal activities. Such as taking a shower (15-30minutes), eating breakfast (30 minutes) or brushing your teeth (2 minutes). Understanding these gives you a good measuring stick on how to gauge time better.

This one step often gets overlooked. I know that for most of my life I took its importance with a minimum of concern. I figured I could just remember but then more often than not I would forget. Now I can't imagine my life without my to-do list. Start by writing down just three things that you must get done that day and no more than that. And then only focus on one at a time. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how effective this can be.

Now that you got your list, just take a couple of minutes and try to decide which one really needs to get done first. If you are having trouble with this step, try going on a short walk (no more than ten minutes) bring your list and decide which one is the most important. By the time you get back to your desk you'll be ready to go!

Essential Oils
This one is essential lol. All jokes aside this is one that I really like because it works along with my scent recall letting my brain know it's time to focus! Some scents that I recommend are lemon grass, sweet orange and rosemary because they add that extra element of focus, calm and attention. PURA D'OR Organic Perfect10 Essential Oils Set is one that I totally recommend. Try rubbing a couple of drops on your forehead or wrists for great effect. It even comes with a list of recipes to make some popular scented sprays. Click the button below to get yours today.

Now you got your top priority and your favorite oil and you're totally in the zone and boom! There it is again, that huge looming project that seems like climbing Mount Everest. What do you do? Break it down! Most of us don't see the tasks on our to-do list as really being multi-step projects. Instead try breaking it down into small, actionable steps. Such as "writing a blog or report" go ahead and take a couple of minutes to "create a document", then "create an outline" and so on... If you are having trouble with this part, there is a really helpful tool that is called todoist.
Break it Down!

Time Blocking
This technique involves scheduling specific blocks of time for certain tasks or activities. The method it utilizes helps to ensure that time is allocated for important tasks and minimizes the tendency to drift away from the set schedule. A great tool for this is google calendars because it allows you to set times and reminders throughout the day.

This is a proven technique that is widely recommended for its effectiveness. Basically, you set a timer for about 25-30 minutes and work. After the timer goes off you take a 5 minute break. After four of these sessions take a longer break for about 15-30 minutes. The limited focus time makes starting less daunting, and the frequent breaks keep your mind fresh. There are lots of choices in how to do this including the Focus To-Do app yet the one that I prefer is The Rotating Pomodoro Clock because it is easy to see and adjust. Besides it's one less thing to remember! Click the button below to get yours today.
Taking regular breaks allows your brain to reset, reducing the amount of strain from prolonged periods of concentration. Try to incorporate movement such as taking a walk or doing quick stretches, this can help to re-energize your mind!
The Pomodoro Technique

External Tools and Reminders
Many ADHD experts recommend relying on external cues rather than just internal motivation such as a clock that you can see. Calendars, specifically whiteboard calendars have really helped me to stay on task; especially when it comes to keeping appointments and meetings. Just remember to keep it a place that you will see it and of course use it!

Reward Your Effort
Great work! You are really starting to develop some healthy productive habits. This by no means is easy. So, feel free to grab a snack and pat yourself on the back! You deserve it!

Accountability Partner
This one has so many benefits! Letting someone know what you are up to can sometimes can be that little bit of extra motivation that you need to keep on task. Sharing updates with a coworker or friend also acts as a sounding board to voice any problems or frustrations that you might have. This is also a great way to develop deeper connections and foster a sense of belonging. I know that this was a scary part for me, however once I got past my initial fear (which was totally unfounded) I came to find that most people actually want to help out.

A Little Self-Compassion and Patience...
Do your best to avoid perfectionism such as telling yourself I can only be successful if I do this right, or why should I even try when I know that I'm going to screw this up? Instead, gently remind yourself that this is a journey and you've never done this before. And that is: actually, being concerned for your well-being perhaps for the first time in your whole life! And that in and of itself is a huge step!
Be kind to yourself and allow room for mistakes. The thing that I try to tell myself is that setbacks are really just opportunities to grow. I was told that over and over by people who cared until it finally stuck and guess what?! I'm still working on it! So be kind to yourself and really celebrate those little wins! If you were able to get in two minutes on that project that was two minutes that you didn't wait until the last minute. Just give yourself a break and go for five minutes next time. And remember that stress is a silent killer and prolonged it can lead to major health complications. So, it really does pay off to practice a little patience, especially with yourself!

Setting Clear Deadlines
Deadlines create a healthy sense of urgency. Those of us with Time Blindness often struggle without a clear time frame to work with. By creating a sense of structure which includes an end point for each task it really makes the difference in keeping us on track. Try setting something clear like I'm going to get this report done by the end of the day or I'm going to get this project done by the end of the week. It doesn't make us weak or inferior to know that we have limits or need help in fact it makes us look like we know what we are doing!

A guide for neurodivergent workplace challenges.
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