11 Tips That Can Help You to Drink More Water

Ron Souers

10/18/20245 min read

According to the Mayo Clinic water is essential for every cell of your body to function correctly. It is an amazing substance that assists with the digestive system, flushes toxins from the body, promotes good kidney function, keeps your joints and muscles lubricated, supports healthier and younger-looking skin, and helps regulate body temperature. In other words, everyday life would be that much harder without the adequate amount of water. Their recommendation for the minimum daily intake of water is:

Women- 11.5 cups or 92 oz of water

Men- 15.5 cups or 124 oz of water

For us with ADHD it can be a real challenge to come up with ways to help remind us to drink water. Especially when we have enough trouble remembering the basics such as eating, keys or even flossing teeth. Sheesh, now you want to add another thing into the mix? Well I completely understand because I was right there with you not too long ago. It wasn’t until I got help and started to see the benefits of drinking the adequate amount of water. Such as reduced headaches and feeling less fatigued at the end of the day from fog brain. I was sold!

Here are some creative strategies that may align with your unique way of thinking and planning:

  1. Gamify Your Water Intake:

  • Turn drinking water into a fun challenge or a game. Apps that you can download on your phone include Plant Nanny where you water a virtual plant as you drink or Habitica, which rewards you with points for completing tasks, including drinking water. I personally prefer Plant Nanny because it is a lot more straightforward and easy to set up.

  • Try making it into a game like if you drink two cups of water, you get a break. Or if you drink five cups of water you get a small treat. In the end, the health benefits are the real reward.

  1. Visual Cues:

  • Try using sticky notes with reminders in places that you’ll know that you will see them such as your desk, bathroom mirror, or fridge. Use bright colors or fun stickers to make them eye-catching and give you that little dopamine hit. I really like this Planner Sticker Pack because it has over a thousand stickers and some of them you can even personalize. Click the link below to get your hands on it!

  1. Habit Stacking:

  • This is a powerful technique that suggests pairing drinking water with habits that you already have. For example, drink water when you take your medication, grab a bite or work out. By doing this you link this new habit with an established routine thereby making it easier to remember.

  1. Drink smaller quantities more often:

  • By drinking smaller amounts more often it breaks down the process making it feel less daunting. Having to drink 15 cups of water sounds like a tall task especially after you just gulped down the first one. The idea is to take small sips every 10-15 minutes throughout the day. After all, the benefits of drinking water are enhanced when you do it slowly throughout the day rather than in spurts. Your body retains the water much better this way.

  1. Get a smart water bottle:

  • There are several different types of water bottles that have built in timers or light up when you need to take a drink. I personally prefer the Hidrate Spark water bottle because it lights up after you take a drink, when the bottle is empty and after you refill it. And it goes crazy when you hit your daily water goal. It comes with an app that syncs up with your phone that allows you to adjust your daily goal, the color and more and even has a paid subscription feature. Click the button below to get your hands on Hidrate Spark.

  • You can also set an alarm on your phone to vibrate or sound as a gentle reminder.

  1. Add flavor or texture:

  • Flavor and texture can make a huge difference for those who find plain water unappealing. I prefer water that is ice cold so try adding ice and even fruit flavoring to your drink. One liquid water enhancer that I prefer is Stur because it is naturally sweetened and it is high in vitamin c and antioxidants. Click the button below to get your hands on Stur.

  • Also, try drinking water with a straw or opting for sparkling water.

  1. Create a visual tracker:

  • Set up a chart or use a whiteboard to mark off every glass of water that you consume. Crossing things off can be really satisfying and motivating!

  • Again, you can use stickers or a color-coded marker as a bonus motivator for each glass you consume or other goal that you meet.

  1. Switching up water bottles or cups throughout the day:

  • Switching up your water bottles at different times can keep things interesting. Try a travel mug, a mason jar, or a cup with a lid and straw. Different shapes, textures, and colors can help maintain interest and make the habit more enjoyable and feel like you are making progress.

  1. A water reminder app with notifications:

  • The water tracker app is a great one that I recommend because it is easy to set up by plugging in your info. It also shows up on your notification and makes a cool pouring water sound to remind you that it’s time to take a drink.

  1. Fidget with water:

  • Keep your water bottle nearby and use it as something to do with your hands. That way you will naturally drink more water and appear less fidgety.

  • If you find yourself fidgeting, let water take over that habit. Every time you tap your fingers or bounce your leg, take a sip.

  1. Celebrate the little wins:

  • Give yourself positive reinforcement for each glass of water you drink. Acknowledge your efforts, even with something small like a mental pat on the back or a thank you. I find that I don’t give myself enough credit for the good things that I am doing for myself. Set up a reward system where you accumulate points toward a small prize. Be it a milkshake or a new Star Wars book you earned it!

With these ADHD-friendly strategies, drinking water can become a more enjoyable and achievable daily habit. It’s all about finding what works for you, making it fun, engaging, and celebrating your successes! You are worth it!

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